Dr. Keene, One of the Top Surgical Hair Restoration Physician in Tucson and Scottsdale Arizona

Hair restore Dr. Keene is the Top Surgical Hair Restoration Physician in Tucson and Scottsdale Arizona

Dr. Keene was also invited faculty to the 2005 Italian Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons conference in Modena, Italy. She was awarded the Ghirlandina award for her contributions to hair restoration. The tower of Ghirlandina in Italy is recognized as a world heritage site, part of the heritage of man. It was built in 1099 as the bell tower to a cathedral that gave rise to a new style of architecture. Its beauty and originality are renowned.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Keene, call us at 800-840-9761 or 520-290-5555.

She has two Arizona Locations. One in Tucson at 3940 N Campbell Ave and the other in Paradise Valley at 5410 N Scottsdale Road in Suite E-200. You can reach either location by calling 1-800-840-9761 or 520-290-5555.

See our website Hair restore for Hair Restoration Surgical Clinic in Tucson or a Hair Restoration Surgical Clinic in Scottsdale Arizona for an appointment with Dr. Keene.